Youth Rules
Here is a link to the 2020 youth rules used in Minnesota.
Here is a link to the 2020 Minnesota youth rules summary.
These have been agreed upon by Youth Lacrosse of Minnesota (YLM) and the Great Northern Lacrosse League (GNLL).
2020 Minnesota Boys Youth Lacrosse Rule Changes - Quick Overview
1) In 8U and 10U play, the US Lacrosse passing rule will be followed. Essentially that calls for one (1) attempted pass immediately after a face-off (10U) or when a face-off would have happened (8U). Note that is not applied on every possession, just immediately after goals are scored or at the start of a quarter most of the time (if possession does not carry over due to an extra-player situation). An attempted pass if required if there is a possession foul between periods or a penalty before possession is gained on the face-off.
2) During the face-off for 10U play, the two midfielders no longer release from the sideline, rather they release from the crease of the goal they are defending.
3) Stick checking restrictions for 12U were relaxed from 2019 but still significantly more restrictive than high school play. Players may raise their stick above shoulder level (this is prohibited for 8U and 10U) but all contact with the opponent or the opponent’s stick must be below shoulder level. This includes stick to stick contact. Slap (horizontal) checks are allowed (these are prohibited at 8U and 10U) but must make contact only with the opponent’s stick or or gloved hand on the stick. Any contact with the opponent’s body, even if the majority of the contact is with the stick or glove, should be strictly enforced as a slash.
4) US Lacrosse has adopted the “quick restart” rule. Officials may restart play when a defender is less than 5 yards from the player awarded possession. That defender is then responsible for allowing a 5 yard cushion to develop before defending the player in possession. Failure to do so is a delay of game penalty. The defender need not make contact to be called for delay of game - any action a coach would call good defense would count. Officials will still wait to restart until all offensive players are more than 5 yards from the player awarded possession.
Mercy Rule
There is no longer a youth mercy rule at any level of play.
Shoulder pads and jerseys/pinnies
NFHS rules require that players wear a jersey and that the jersey "shall completely cover the shoulder pads" (the reason given for this is that the manufacturers assume that the shoulder pads will be covered to keep them in place). However, USL Youth rules and MN Youth rules weaken that somewhat by stating, "The jersey, pinnie, or an under jersey should completely cover the shoulder pads, which will help hold them in place."
Jerseys that cover the shoulder pads can always be worn. Pinnies can be used with a shirt underneath to cover the shoulder pads and keep them in place.
Coaches must certify to the officials prior to the game that they have instructed their players on how to wear their equipment, including how the shoulder pads and jerseys/pinnies work together. Thus, this is not something officials should penalize or correct. If a coach believes another coach is endangering players by violating equipment standards, this is generally an issue the coach should report to the league.