Officials who worked high school games need to pay their assigning fees to the UMLOA. The UMLOA will pass those fees along to those who did the assigning.
The assigning fees are the same as in recent years:
$5 for each Varsity game
$3 for each JV or BSquad game
There is NO charge for post season (section) games. Assigning fees are capped at $180 to acknowledge those officials who work the most high school games each year.
Pay through PayPal (credit card or PayPal account)
You should have received an email with the amount you owe. If you cannot find the email, please contact Matt Dempsey at 612-276-2881 or
Once you have the amount owed, you can pay through PayPal by clicking the “Pay Now” button below. Here are some helpful hints:
Enter the fee you own in the Price Per Item space and leave the Quantity as 1.
Click “Continue”
Log in to pay using a PayPal account OR click the “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” button to use a credit or debit card.
Pay by check
To pay by check, please make your check out to UMLOA and send it to:
Upper Midwest Lacrosse Officials
c/o Matt Dempsey
8331 W 109th Street
Bloomington, MN 55438