Online Coach Training FAQs
How do I log into this website?
You don't log into this website,, unless you are an administrator.
How do I register?
All coaches will be contacted with registration information and a special registration site. All other coaches need to go to the coaches training registration page to sign up for training this year. In either case, you will have a coupon code sent to you that will enable you to register (this will come either directly from the GNLL or will be forwarded to you by the association you coach for)
All accounts from 2017 have been deleted. You will need to create a new account by registering as described here.
Where is the Online Coaches Training System?
The site is (Some links, such as this one, may not work properly in Internet Explorer; if you are having trouble, copy and paste the link.) Once you have registered, go to that site and log in using the login information you created when you registered.
What do I do if I forgot my login or password?
If you forget your login ID and/or password, go to the LaxTraining Password Recovery Page. Then enter your e-mail address and click "OK." Your login info will be e-mailed to you. If you have multiple e-mail addresses, you may need to try each one until you find the one associated with your account. Remember, all accounts from 2017 have been deleted, so you will need to register to create a new account.
How do I check my grades and status?
To check your grades, log into your Moodle account as directed above (note: do not attempt to log in to this website,, as only administrators can log in), then select whichever course you would like to check on. On the left side under "Course Administration," click "Grades." You should see various categories of grades and various grade items within each category.
Many online training items are set to show a score of 0 until all quizzes are completed with a score of at least 80%. Similarly, course totals may show as 0 until baseline conditions are met (e.g., if the training manager has not yet marked off your concussion training as verified).
Can I use an iPhone, iPad, or other tablet computer to do the course?
Maybe. If it works, great, but if you have problems try switching to a desktop or laptop.
Why are some of the activities grayed out?
The training is set up so some activities are locked until you complete the previous activity. They will be gray and "locked" until you complete the required activities. Details on why they are locked are listed under each activity. If you can't get an activity to unlock, make sure you have completed the required activity. For example, if it says
Restricted: ‘Not available until you achieve a required score in Introductory Quiz.’
then go back an take or re-take the Introductory Quiz until you get a passing score to unlock that next activity.
I completed a required activity, but the next activity did not unlock. What should I do?
Refresh/reload the main course page in your browser window and the next activity should show up as unlocked. You can do this "reload current page" button on some browsers. You can also click on the course name on the top of the page where it says "Home > My courses > [Course Name]."
How do I navigate through the course?
In most cases, it makes sense to go back to the main course page when you finish an activity by closing the pop-up window or clicking the name of your course in the top left part of the window. There will be a path like
Home > Courses > GNLL Online Coach Training 2018 > GNLL 2018
and you would click "GNLL 2018" to get to that course page or "GNLL Online Coach Training 2018" to switch to a different course. In general, if you navigate using the sidebar you will miss some of the course content and you won't be able to see why things are locked.
The video doesn't seem to play for me. What should I do?
We are using a different video format this year that should work better for people with slow internet connections. If you have trouble, work through the following steps.
First, make sure the video isn't grayed out (see above). If it is unlocked, key things to try are:
- Make sure pop-up blockers and ad-blockers are turned off.
- Clear your browser cache and clear your cookies.
- Restart your computer and your browser.
- Try a different browser, such as Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.
- Try a different computer.
- Try control- or right-clicking to open the video in a different window or tab.
If you're still having problems, us the "contact" link on this page to report the issue.
I can't get a .PDF file to display or download. What should I do?
Try the same things listed above under "The video doesn't seem to play for me." Pop-up blockers are often the culprit.
I clicked on an activity and completed it. How do I get back to the main course page?
Some of this depends on how the activity is set up and how you have your browser preferences set up. In some cases, closing the activity window will take you back to the window or tab with the main course page. In other cases, you may need to use the "back" button in your browser. Some activities may show the course title at the top of the page or in the sidebar, so clicking that should return you to the main course page. It may help to bookmark the main course page so you can easily get back to it.
I clicked to download a file, but nothing seemed to happen. Where is the file?
Again, this depends on how the file is set up and how you have your browser preferences set up. However, most of the time if you click on a file and nothing seems to happen, you should check your "downloads" folder.
What if I have tried everything here and I am still having problems?
If you have tried everything listed above and are still stuck, document exactly what the problem is and send an e-mail to MBSLA Training Manager Bou Gazley at laxtrainingmanager %at% gmail <dot> com . Be sure to include:
- Your name
- The course you are referring to
- The exact name of the section and activity that is giving you problems
- A screen shot showing that activity and the previous activity.
For screen shots: